

现阶段我们提供两个实习的机会,可以提供机会去尝试跨文化的侍奉并且决定是否适合你: (1) 录影项目的实习 (2)母语翻译的服事威克理夫的学徒制。

Project Video Internship

If you have a passion for media and a heart for unreached people groups, a Project Video internship could be just the thing for you. This is a great short-term opportunity to be immersed in a foreign culture, gain real missions experience, share your skills, and take the road less travelled.

Current openings exist for: Video trainers, audio trainers, team hosts, distribution coordinators, office administrators and media interns.


MTS-Wycliffe apprenticeship

Are you interested in doing full-time ministry? This new joint venture between Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) and Wycliffe Australia allows people interested in exploring full-time ministry to get a feel for mission work in both church and cross-cultural ministry contexts under the supervision of an experienced Wycliffe mentor.


